
The launch of the first ESG fund in the Albanian market: Raiffeisen Solid

    Raiffeisen Invest is proud to present to the Albanian market the first fund with a focus on sustainable investments, “Raiffeisen Solid”. This fund offers a new opportunity for […]

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Annual Report 2023

June 2024 We would like to inform you that Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. has published on its official website the Annual Report for the financial year 2023. In the annual report […]

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KIID February 2024

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published the updated “Key Investor Information Document” (KIID) for Raiffeisen Prestige fund, Raiffeisen Invest Euro fundRaiffeisen Vizion fund and Raiffeisen Invest Miks fund, . You can access the respective […]

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January 2024 – Updated Prospectuses of Investment Funds Raiffeisen Prestigj, Raiffeisen Vizion and Raiffeisen Invest Euro

January 2024 Dear Investors, Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. has published the updated Prospectus of Investment Funds Raiffeisen Prestigj, Raiffeisen Vizion and Raiffeisen Invest Euro. The annual return […]

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Njoftim për trajnimin “Edukimi në vazhdim me fokus fondin e pensionit privat”

Në zbatim të Rregullores nr.198, datë 29.12.2020 “Për kualifikimin profesional dhe edukimin në vazhdim” agjentët e lidhur të fondeve të investimit do t’i nënshtrohen kurrikulës së trajnimit me temë “Edukimi […]

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Annual Report 2022

June 2023 Dear Investors, We would like to inform you that Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. has published on its official website the Annual Report for financial year 2022. In the annual […]

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Pension Fund Prospectus April 2023

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. has published the updated Prospectus of Raiffeisen Voluntary Pension Fund, approved on 31 March 2023, by the Decision no 66 of the Financial […]

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KIID March 2023

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published the updated “Key Investor Information Document” (KIID) for Raiffeisen Prestige fund, Raiffeisen Invest Euro fundRaiffeisen Vizion fund and Raiffeisen Invest Miks fund, . You can access the respective […]

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Prospectus of Raiffeisen Mix fund-July 2022

Dear Investors, Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. has published the updated Prospectus of Raiffeisen Mix fund. The annual return for year 2021, the risk indicators and ongoing fee […]

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Dear Investors, The data for the Raiffeisen Mix Fund as of July 19 / 2022 are as follows: Net Asset Value: 3,226,180.91 EUR Unit Price: 91.9321 EUR

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Dear Investors ! Kindly be informed that Raiffeisen Invest sh.a has changed the contact number of the company: The new contact number of the company is 069 4040 481 Thank […]

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Annual Report 2021

Dear Investors, We are pleased to inform you that Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. has published the Annual Report for the financial year 2021. In this annual report you can find detailed […]

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Pension Fund Prospectus June 2022

Dear Investors, Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. has published the updated Prospectus of Raiffeisen Voluntary Pension Fund, approved on 31 May 2022, by the Decision no 108 of […]

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KIID March 2022

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published the updated “Key Investor Information Document” (KIID) for Raiffeisen Prestige fund, Raiffeisen Invest Euro fundRaiffeisen Vizion fund and Raiffeisen Invest Miks fund, . You can access the respective […]

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Newsletters of September 2021

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of September 2021 which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen […]

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Monthly Newsletters of August 2021

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of August 2021 which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen […]

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Njoftim për shtyp “Raiffeisen Miks” fondi më i ri i investimit në Euro nga Raiffeisen Invest Raiffeisen Invest ofron tashmë katër fonde Investimi Raiffeisen Prestigj dhe Vizion, fonde investimi në […]

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Monthly Raport July 2021

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of July 2021 which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen […]

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July 2021-Prospectus Pension Fund

Dear Investors, Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. has published the updated Prospectus of Raiffeisen Voluntary Pension Fund, approved by the Board of the Financial Supervisory Authority with Decision […]

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Monthly Newsletters June 2021

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of June 2021 which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen […]

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Dear Investors, Kindly be informed that starting from July 2nd 2021 the headquarters of Raiffeisen Invest sh.a is located at : Rr. Tish Daija, Kompleksi Kika 2, Tiranë, Shqipëri; Thank […]

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Annual Report 2020

Dear Investors, We are pleased to inform you that Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. has published the Annual Report for the financial year 2020. In this annual report you can find detailed […]

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Monthly Newsletters May 2021

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of May 2021 which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen […]

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Monthly Newsletters Aprill 2021

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of April 2021 which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen […]

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Newsletters of March 2021

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of March 2021 which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen […]

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Monthly Newsletters February 2021

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of February which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen Vizion, […]

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KIID February 2021

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published the updated “Key Investor Information Document” (KIID) for Raiffeisen Prestige fund, Raiffeisen Invest Vizion fund and Raiffeisen Invest Euro fund, reflecting the annual return for 2020 in the […]

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Monthly Newsletters of January 2021

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of January which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen Vizion, […]

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Korrik 2020

Ju informojmë se Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. ka publikuar në faqen zyrtare Raportin Mujor për Muajin Qershor në lidhje me ecurinë e fondeve të investimit Raiffeisen Prestigj, Raiffeisen Vizion, Raiffeisen Invest Euro dhe […]

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Gusht 2020

Ju informojmë se Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. ka publikuar në faqen zyrtare Prospektin e përditësuar të Fondit të Pensionit Vullnetar Raiffeisen, miratur në datë 29 Korrik 2020 me Vendim nr. 104 […]

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Ju informojmë se në faqen zyrtare është publikuar dokumenti i përditësuar “Informacioni Kryesor per Investitorin”(KIID) për fondin e investimit Raiffeisen Invest Euro, duke reflektuar Profilin e Rrezikut dhe Përfitimit në kategorinë e […]

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Lista e Agjenteve te shitjes Raiffeisen Invest

Raiffeisen Invest publikon listën e agjentëve të shitjes së fondeve për muajin Dhjetor 2020. Për të lexuar listen e plote kliko ketu

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Njoftim 15 Shtator 2020

Të nderuar Investitorë, Kemi kënaqësinë t’ju informojmë se Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. ka publikuar Raportin Vjetor për vitin financiar 2019. Në raportin vjetor mund të gjeni informacion të detajuar në lidhje […]

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Shtator 2020

Ju informojmë se Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. ka publikuar në faqen zyrtare Raportin Mujor për Muajin Gusht në lidhje me ecurinë e fondeve të investimit Raiffeisen Prestigj, Raiffeisen Vizion, Raiffeisen Invest Euro dhe […]

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Tetor 2020

Ju informojmë se Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. ka publikuar në faqen zyrtare Raportin Mujor për Muajin Shtator në lidhje me ecurinë e fondeve të investimit Raiffeisen Prestigj, Raiffeisen Vizion, Raiffeisen Invest Euro dhe […]

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Nentor 2020

Ju informojmë se Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. ka publikuar në faqen zyrtare Raportin Mujor për Muajin Tetor në lidhje me ecurinë e fondeve të investimit Raiffeisen Prestigj, Raiffeisen Vizion, Raiffeisen Invest Euro dhe […]

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Ju informojmë se Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. ka publikuar në faqen zyrtare Raportin Mujor për Muajin Nëntor në lidhje me ecurinë e fondeve të investimit Raiffeisen Prestigj, Raiffeisen Vizion, Raiffeisen Invest Euro dhe […]

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Te nderuar Investitore!

Ju informojme se bazuar ne nenin 108, te Ligjit nr. 56/2020 “Per sipermarrjet e investimeve kolektive”, periudha e ofertes fillestare te kuotave ne fondin e investimit Raiffeisen Miks do te […]

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Njoftim 11.3.2020

Në vijim të zhvillimeve të fundit në lidhje me koronavirusin COVID-19, dëshirojmë t’ju komunikojmë disa informacione dhe këshilla bazë. Së pari, theksojmë se të gjithë ne duhet të ruajmë qetësinë dhe […]

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Social responsibility

Raiffeisen Invest sh.a, as part of a large group and leading company in the market, has included social resposnsibility as part of its mision,continuing with dedication to contribute to all […]

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Dear Investors!

We would like to inform you the based on the article 108, of the Law no. 56/2020 “On collective investment undertakings”  the subscription period of the units in the investment […]

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Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of November which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen Vizion, […]

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Sale of MIKS fund shares

The sale of Raiffeisen Miks Fund units can be done at any time upon the investor’s request at Raiffeisen Bank branches. The redemption is done within the 7-day legal deadline.

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November 2020

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of October which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen Vizion, […]

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How can you become a member of the MIKS Fund?

In order to become a member of Raiffeisen Miks fund, you can visit Raiffeisen Bank branches, obtain the Fund information/documentation and fill in a request to purchase Raiffeisen Miks Fund […]

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Te dashur Investitore Me kenaqesi ju informojme se per here te pare ne fushen e tregut te fondeve te investimit/pensionit, Raiffeisen Invest u mundesoi  te gjithe klienteve ekzistues te saj, te kryejne […]

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October 2020

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of September which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen Vizion, […]

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September 2020

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of August which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen Vizion, […]

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Notification 15 September 2020

Dear Investors, We are pleased to inform you that Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. has published the Annual Report for the financial year 2019. In this annual report you can find detailed […]

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August 2020- Prospectus pension Fund

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. has published the updated Prospectus of Raiffeisen Voluntary Pension Fund, approved on 29 July 2020 by the Decision no 104 of the Financial […]

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August 2020

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of July which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen Vizion, […]

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July 2020

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of June which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen Vizion, […]

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June 2020

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of May which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen Vizion, […]

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May 2020

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of April which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen Vizion, […]

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April 2020

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of March which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen […]

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Të nderuar klientë

Dëshirojmë t’ju bëjmë me dije se në kuadër të Ligjit nr.4/2020 datë 30.01.2020 për “Shkëmbimin Automatik të Informacionit” për llogaritë financiare, Raiffeisen Invest sh.a, është e angazhuar në përmbushjen e […]

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20 February 2020-KIID

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published the updated “Key Investor Information Document” (KIID) for Raiffeisen Prestige fund, Raiffeisen Invest Vizion fund and Raiffeisen Invest Euro fund, reflecting the annual return for 2019 in the […]

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February 2020

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of January which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen Vizion, […]

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Raiffeisen Invest seeking to hire Senior Risk Officer. See attached document :- Risk Officer JD

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January 2020

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of December which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen Vizion, […]

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December 2019

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of November which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen […]

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November 2019

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of October which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen […]

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September 2019

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of August which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen […]

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29 August 2019 Annual Report

We would like to inform you that Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. has published on its official website the Annual Report for financial year 2018. In the annual report you can find […]

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August 2019

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website  Monthly Newsletters of July  which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen Vizion, […]

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Njoftim Ndryshimi i Fjalekalimit

E rëndësishme : ndryshim i fjalëkalimit! Te nderuar investitorë, Ne kuadër të përmirësimit të cilëisë së shërbimit ndaj jush si dhe rritjes së sigurisë, së fundmi kemi implementuar mundësinë e […]

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Prospectus July 2019

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. has published the updated Prospectus of Raiffeisen Prestigj Fund and Raiffeisen Invest Euro fund, approved by Financial Supervisory Authority. In the updated Prospectus […]

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Monthly Newsletters June 2019

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of  June which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen Vizion, Raiffeisen […]

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Prospectus June 2019

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. has published the updated Prospectus of Raiffeisen Voluntary Pension Fund, approved on 31 May 2019 by the Decision no 87 of the Financial […]

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Notification Investment Plans

Dear Investors, We are pleased to inform you that Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. introduces Investment Plans, as a way of investing periodically and in small amounts in the funds managed by […]

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KIID 19 February 2019

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published the updated “Key Investor Information Document” (KIID) for Raiffeisen Prestige fund and Raiffeisen Invest Euro fund, reflecting the annual return for 2018 in the section on the Fund’s […]

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Press Release Vizion Fund

“Raiffeisen Vizion”: the newest fund from Raiffeisen Invest, another alternative to invest in Lekë Raiffeisen Invest sh.a (RIAL), a company licensed from the Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) for the Management […]

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The sale of Raiffeisen Vizion Fund units can be done at any time at the investor’s request at any Raiffeisen Bank branch. The redemption is done within the 7-day legal […]

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10 August 2018

We would like to inform you that Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. has published on its official website the Annual Report for financial year 2017. In the annual report you can find […]

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HOW TO INVEST ( Vizion Fund ) ?

In order to become a member of Raiffeisen Vizion fund, you can visit any Raiffeisen Bank branch, obtain the Fund information/documentation and fill in a request to purchase Raiffeisen Prestige […]

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28 June 2018

Te nderuar investitore! Ju bejme me dije se Raiffeisen Invest ka publikuar Prospektin e perditesuar te Fondit te Pensionit Vullnetar Raiffeisen. Prospekti permban informacionin me te fundit lidhur me performancen […]

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26 Mach 2018

Dear investors, We would like to inform you that the recent changes made to our website, do not affect the client login credentials. Should you encounter difficulties in accessing your […]

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21 March 2018

Dear investors, We would like to inform you that Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. has launched its new website, in order to keep up with the newest technological developments, to offer high-quality […]

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9 March 2018 KIID

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Key Investor Information Documents (KIID), reflecting the annual return for 2017 in the section on the Fund’s […]

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11 December 2017

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of November, which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen […]

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11 August 2017

We would like to inform you that Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. has published on its official website the Annual Report for financial year 2016. The annual report contains detailed information on […]

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26 April 2017

Following the principle of continuous education for the public with regards to pension funds and investment funds, Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. has published two informative booklets. You can access the booklets […]

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Interview of Mr. Resmi Hibraj, CEO of Raiffeisen Invest in Mapo newspaper

Investment Funds, a preferred investment alternative for Albanian public – the reasons of an accelerated market expansion According to the latest report of the Albanian Financial Supervisory Authority during the […]

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Statement of Albanian Financial Supervisory Authority on Online Investment platforms specifically for the company “Easy Invest”

Referring to reports in the media about the company “Easy Invest”, the Financial Supervisory Authority (the Authority) … Click here to read full news

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13 February 2017

Please be informed that the following documents “Raiffeisen Prestige Prospectus” and “Raiffen Invest Euro Prospectus” have been reviewed to reflect 2016 data in the sections on past fund performance and […]

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Dita e Investitorit

Raiffeisen Invest sh.a. shoqeria e pare ne vend e licensuar nga Autoriteti i Mbikqyrjes Financiare per Administrimin e Fondeve te Investimit dhe Pensionit Vullnetar ka prezantuar sot para investitoreve ecurine […]

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Perfundon Konferenca e Autoritetit të Mbikëqyrjes Financiare, “Sistemi i pensioneve vullnetare në Shqipëri – zgjerimi i mbulimit”

Konferenca e Autoritetit të Mbikëqyrjes Financiare, “Sistemi i pensioneve vullnetare në Shqipëri – zgjerimi i mbulimit” përfundoi sot. Në të u diskutua nga ekspertët, mbikëqyrësit, punëdhënësit dhe sektori i pensioneve […]

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Honorable Investors of Raiffeisen Prestigj Fund!

Raiffeisen Invest sh.a., management company of Prestige, Euro and Pension Funds, hereby informs you about some changes made to the Prospectus of Raiffeisen Prestigj Fund. The Prospectus is the main […]

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Sales Agents

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October 2019

Please be informed that Raiffeisen Invest has published on its official website the Monthly Newsletters of September which contain information on the performance of the investment funds Raiffeisen Prestige, Raiffeisen […]

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